4 Ways To Save Money With Flexitanks And Flexibags

Are you looking to save money on bulk liquid shipping with your business? There are several ways in which you can save when you make the switch to Flexibags and flexitanks. These offer a lot of benefits, and they mostly will save your business money. 

Here are the top four ways in which you can save with flexitanks for sale, so you'll see why you should consider them for your business. 

What Is A Flexibag?

Firstly, what are Flexibags, and how do they differ to other tank options in the bulk shipping business? A flexibag, which is also known as a flexitank, is a large bag style tank that's made up of several layers of polyurethane. They're designed to lie flat in a shipping container, and be filled up through a nozzle in the top. 

They have become a popular option for many shipping companies, as they offer a wide range of benefits that you can't get with other tanks. Let's look at the top 4 benefits that are going to save you money. 

1. No Contamination Leading To Wastage

One of the biggest issues with regular tanks is that they're reused over and over again. They will be used, shipped to a depot to be cleaned, and then stored before being used again. While they will be cleaned thoroughly, there's always the risk that a remnant of the last liquid will make its way into the new shipment that's put into it. That will lead to the whole tank being wasted, as it will no longer be usable. 

There are ways to avoid this happening, such as using liners, but they aren't a foolproof method. That's why a flexitank reservoir is a good idea, as they are a one use only tank. Once you've used it to send out a shipment, the tank is recycled. That way, every time you ship a liquid in Flexibags, you know that they won't be contaminated and so you won't risk losing money. 

2. No Cleaning Or Storage Costs

As mentioned in the point above, when using other styles of tank, you'll need to have the cleaned and stored once they're emptied. This makes costs add up quickly, as you'll need to have those empty tanks shipped back to the depot, have them cleaned, and then have them stored ready for the next shipment. That's going to add up over time, but there are ways that you can eliminate those costs. 

As a flexitank reservoir is a one use only tank, you'll eliminate the shipping and cleaning costs in a single step. As soon as you use that tank, you'll recycle it rather than having to get it cleaned. Of course, you will still need to store new flexitanks, and need to order new ones in as they get used. However, the cost of flexitanks for sale, and the fact you can store a lot more in a lot smaller space, means that you'll be saving a lot of money overall.

3. Easier Loading And Unloading Process

Another way you're spending on your bulk shipping process is your loading and unloading. All tank types do have different needs when it comes to your staff. For example, if you're shipping drums, then they need to all be filled up individually, loaded onto pallets, wrapped in plastic, and then loaded into a shipping container. It's a long, involved process, and that's going to take more time and more staff to get done. 

With Flexibags though, the process is a lot more simple. The bag is put into the container and laid out flat. Then, the liquid to be shipped is pumped out into the nozzle in the top of the bag. Once the bag is full, the nozzle is closed off, the door on the shipping container is shut, and you're good to go. As you can imagine, it takes much less time and needs less staff to get done. In fact, it can often be done with just two staff members. This brings down costs drastically, making flexitanks an option to consider. 

4. Use Up All The Space In you Shipping Container

When using tanks like IBCs or drums, you'll load them into a shipping container by stacking them on top of one another, on pallets. This does let you fit a lot in, but there's always going to be dead space in the container itself. Because of that, you'll be paying to ship out air alongside that bulk liquid. 

With flexitanks for sale though, this can be avoided. As noted above, these tanks are filled up by laying them out flat in the container, and then filling them up in the space. The benefit here is that as the tank is filled up, you'll see that it takes up all the available space in there. 

That actually saves you money, as you'll get a lot more liquid in the shipping container that way. If you're sending out a large bulk shipment, then you'll be able to send less containers out. That saves money by using less trucks, or less space on a railway or boat shipment. 

These are some of the best benefits of a flexitank reservoir that will save you money. Make the switch now in your business, and you can start taking advantage of those benefits yourself. 


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