
Top 4 Flexitank Reservoir Storage Bag Uses

Transporting water to areas where it’s necessary is a distinct challenge because it might not be possible to transport it in containers that can accommodate the needed quantity. Furthermore, the container might not keep the liquid safe or allow for easy transportation.  Currently, flexibags have increasingly become the preferred means for transporting liquids and offering storage solutions for bulk liquids. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of using these storage bags. 1. Decreased Likelihood of Contamination Regardless of the liquid you’re transporting, there’s a need to decrease the probability of contamination. Using flexibags, which are one-time solutions, eradicates the likelihood of product contamination. You wouldn’t want to lose a product because of cross-contamination, which is costly and possibly dangerous.  It's equally risky when transporting water for disaster relief. In such circumstances, water is extremely precious, so you’ll implement whatever measures to ens

What Are Flexitank Water Storage Bags and How to Use Them

Transporting water to areas where it's required is a distinct challenge. You'll need containers that can accommodate the needed quantity, maintain safety, and avoid leaks. Moreover, you should be able to transport water easily.  Nowadays, flexibags are becoming the go-to container for storing liquids. The huge polyethylene bags feature multiple layers, which seek to prevent leaks and maintain water purity. The bag equally comprises a valve to discharge or load liquids either at the bottom or top of the bag. Here's how to use flexibags for sale .    What are Flexitank Storage Bags? For numerous companies that deal with international and domestic shipping, a flexibag has changed this industry. Flexitank reservoirs make it possible to ship efficiently at a decreased cost with a reduced environmental impact. Whether you're in the business of shipping bulk liquids frequently or occasionally during the year, this solution enables innovative, safe, and affordable transportatio

What You Need To Know About Shipping Bulk Liquids

  Are you looking for bulk liquid solutions ? Then even after a cursory search online, it's easy to get overwhelmed with all the options out there. How do you know you're choosing the right method for shipping your bulk liquids? This guide has everything you need to know, so read on to get all the info you need. Shipping Methods Available To You Firstly, what kind of bulk liquid transportation tanks can you use? There are several different varieties out there, so let's look at what you can choose from. Drums or barrels: This is the standard used for those shipping smaller amounts of liquids. Drums usually come in 55 gallon sizes, so you'll need to use multiple containers if you want to move more liquids than that. They are usually stacked onto pallets and wrapped, before being lifted into the shipping container. IBCs: IBCs, or Intermediate Bulk Containers, are the in between option between drums and tanks. These are cube shaped, making them easier to stack up i

How Can You Ship Bulk Liquids?

Bulk liquid goods denote materials that can flow freely, typically unloaded and loaded from a ship using pumping stations and pipelines. Unlike bulk solid cargo, the transportation of liquid bulk occurs in specially designed flexibags to accommodate liquid materials. These kinds of goods include food or chemicals in liquid form, for instance, natural gas and oil along with the derivatives. Specially designed flexibags for sale serve to transport the various kinds of liquid bulk under stringent measures. If you're looking to ship bulk liquid, here's how it works. How Bulk Shipping Works Whether you're exporting or importing bulk cargo, the process involved in bulk shipping is the same. Typically, it involves three important steps: unloading, loading, and storage. When the arrival of your bulk shipment occurs at the designated port, unloading takes place and the transportation to a storage facility occurs so you can arrange for the collection. When exporting, you store the b

How To Save Money By Using Flexitanks

There's no denying that bulk liquid transportation gets expensive, fast. As a business owner, you want to save as much as cash as possible without skimping on safety and quality. If you're trying to save money on liquid transport, then you should look into Flexitanks. Here are all the ways you'll be able to save money by switching to this transportation method, while still keeping your cargo safe and secure.  What Is A Flexitank? When it comes to bulk liquid food grade transportation , you'll be used to using tanks or drums. A Flexitank is a different option that offers benefits you didn't even know were available to you. They work like an inflatable bladder, and fill up any space that they're placed in. They're approved by the FDA for all food grade liquids, such as wines or oils. This makes them ideal for a variety of uses. Here's how using them will save you money in the long run.  Low Storage Space Needs Firstly, consider the amount of space you need

What Types of Bulk Liquid Can You Transport?

When it comes to shipping bulk goods, there are several types you can transport. These include dry goods, such as sugar or sand, breakbulk, such as paper or wood, and container cargo. What counts as liquid bulk cargo though, and how do you transport it? Here's everything you need to know.    Types of Bulk Liquid Firstly, let's consider what counts as bulk liquid when it comes to cargo. In essence, the term applies to any liquid you're looking to transport. Here are the main types you'll be looking to move when shipping liquids: Hydrocarbon products: This category contains many liquid fuels that are used all around the world. This includes oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and liquefied natural gas (LNG). These can be used for anything, from heating homes to powering planes. Chemicals: Chemicals can be transported in bulk in a liquid state. A few examples of these include ammonia, chlorine, and styrene monomer. Some of these will be used in the production of ot

Shipping Paint in Flexitanks

  Paint is liquid, mastic, or liquefiable composition, which undergoes conversion into a solid film after application. The common use of paint is to offer texture to objects. You can apply paint as a gaseous suspension, solid, or liquid. You'll find that techniques differ based on the artistic or practical results desired. In a solid state, its application occurs as a fine powder before being baked at elevated temperatures. This causes the powder to melt, making it stick to the surface. Industries that use paints understand that shipping the material in huge quantities requires a dependable transport and storage solution such as a  flexitank . These substances are frequently toxic, so they can become a safety hazard if you lack the appropriate method for handling them. Here's what you need to know about shipping paint. Paint Shipping The transportation of paint typically occurs in flexitank because of their flammable nature. Heavy handling during transportation could cause leak