Top 7 Places To Fish In New Hampshire

If you are planning a trip to New Hampshire, then you will be glad to hear that they are one of the best places to fish in the USA right now. There’s trout and largemouth bass in the rivers, salmon in the lakes, as much more to be found. Here are the seven best top places to fish in the state right now, so you can ready your marine fuel bladder , gather up your fishing equipment, and get the most from your trip. 1. Upper Pemigeasset River This river flows all the way from the White Mountains through the middle of the state, and then will form with the Winnepesauke River to form the Merrimack River. You will often hear locals refer to the river simply as the Pemi. It’s a great spot to visit if you are hoping to go angling in New Hampshire, as it has a lot to offer you. If you are hoping to get the most out of the river, then you will want to visit the Upper Pemigeasset River. Here, you will see the waters have large trout and salmon populations year-round. As such, you can visit at any ...